So, I've been a little off grid recently, I'm sorry! I hope this post goes some way to explain why. When I decided to take on the #NaBloPoMo challenge, throughout November, I was excited to see if it would reignite some fresh ideas and exciting challenges for Life is Peachy. Bloggers across the world enjoy taking part in a month long challenge of posting a blog everyday - aided by set prompts or using their own ideas. Why not join in the fun? So thought I...
In truth, I am in awe of anyone who can post on their blog every day! I set about scheduling posts, following prompts and eager to write new and exciting posts about me. I hope you've enjoyed reading little tidbits about my life, my past and my Bucket List! But, whilst I think the spirit of the challenge is wonderful - I don't feel I can carry it on.
I'm writing this at the end of a very difficult week. There have been very late nights, very early mornings, lots of knitting deadlines and a case of mild conjunctivitis for Little D which, as any parent will know, is most distressing. So, perhaps, it wasn't really great timing to be throwing myself into posting every day - but then again, when is there ever a good time to do it? I'm forever trying to catch up with emails, research, crafts, #CraftBlogClub, orders, Little D, Mr Peachy and, somewhere in there, a little bit of 'me' time.
Then again, I think perhaps partaking in this challenge has made me accept the very real existence of Blogger Burnout. It is real, it is out there and I've finally had to accept that no person is capable of running a blog 365 days a year.
I'm a list maker, an organiser, a forward-planner and I get incredibly excited about new ideas and projects to start. It's been a real eye-opener of a year, having to adjust to the wondrous unpredictability of a baby; so dealing with day to day tasks can be somewhat testing. And when I didn't quite get that scheduled daily post out on time, or didn't have something planned for the following day - I started to panic. Which took the fun out of my blog. I worried that people would stop reading, I worried that my content wasn't as engaging as it should be, muted amongst other topics that I wouldn't perhaps have chosen to write about. Then I worried that my worrying was coming across on my blog. Then I stopped and had a sudden epiphany - who and what was I really writing this blog for??
For those of you who have read my blog from the start, Life is Peachy was originally set up to encourage and inspire new parents with finding their identities. I feel so strongly about this and have forged my way into my new role as 'Mummy' whilst keeping an alarming amount of my own personality intact (alarming, only, as I was assured this wouldn't happen)! But, it seems, in the 6 short months that I've been religiously writing this blog, it has grown and developed at such a pace, that I almost feel it is time to acknowledge a new direction and re-vamp my entire little web space to accommodate for something new.

I hope you don't mind, I'm breaking all the sacred blogging rules, I'm taking a little break - just 2 weeks, to get things straight and plan ahead for Christmas and beyond. I wanted you to be the first to know this. I'll be back, brimming and beaming again - but right now I need to think, research, be brave and be innovative. And I guess, despite its difficulties, I have the wonder of #NaBloPoMo to thank for bringing it all to my attention!
Life is Peachy will return.....I look forward to seeing you then!
E x