Friday, 1 November 2013

#NaBloPoMo November 1st: 5 Things You Don't Know About Me...

#NaBloPoMo...A Little Introduction
Hi there...If you're new to Life is Peachy...then a very warm welcome to you indeed! Here at LIP HQ, we are all about lifestyle - crafting, trying new things, frugal fashion, interesting recipes, quirky gothic-ness, wonderful start ups and small British businesses.  My name is Emma, I am 29 and new mum to Daisy - now nearly 8 months old!  I suppose I am now officially a WAHM - in the early stages of a fledgling freelance writing career and working on my first novel.  I am also in the process of setting up my first craft shop.  The most important thing you need to know about me, is that being busy is like second nature to me!  Things I love include; My Babe, My OH, Music (some appropriate, some very inappropriate), Reading, Writing, Homemaking, Knitting, Gnomes, Vampires (Anne Rice and Bram Stoker - I'm no faddy Twi-hard), Heavy Metal, Vintage Fashion, Matthew Bourne, Sweden, Tattoos and Sustainable Chic!

Things I hate include; Mass Consumerism, Bad Hair Days, Misogyny and most modern music!

It's here!  November's Blog A Day challenge begins today and what a beginning it is!  Today's prompt was to write about something your readers wouldn't know about, have 5!!  I look forward to getting to know you all a little better!

I used to blog about my dating nightmares when I lived in London!
Yup, when I was young, free and single, I started writing a blog about my life, loves and general dating hilarity called The Skinny Mocha Musings.  Strangely, I never really thought about using this blog to aid my writing career, I was very wrapped up in my new and exciting job and lifestyle in London.  It does make some funny, if slightly emotional reading, remembering the bumbling mishaps of a twenty-something, who mostly spent her time wishing and hoping on (an) oblivious boys (boy)!  I had some great readers (not just my Mum and best mates) who used to read The Skinny Mocha Musings avidly!  If you ever have 5 minutes - take a read of it HERE, I hardly even recognise myself!!  Highlights include, a fight with an Evening Standard Newspaper unit, the closeted ex and an entire post about my love of ginger beards!

I once sang at the Royal Albert Hall!
I was a performing arts girly through and through - I studied Dance as a degree and originally wanted to be a choreographer when I graduated.  When I was 15, I sang and danced solo in a huge show at the Royal Albert Hall and, to this day, this remains one of my greatest memories and achievements!

I was a member of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Fan Club - Aged 6 (ish)!
I bloody loved that show and my Mum's friend signed me up to the fanclub!  Of course this was in the days before the Internet, so I struggle to remember exactly what I GOT for being in the fanclub - except perhaps for a keyring - but I wore my badge with pride.  And no, I won't be going to see the film re-make, some things are better left untouched!

I'm a loyal, but terribly slow fan of old-fashioned Snail Mail!
I love penpalling - and I have a fantastic penpal in America, whom I connected with through the International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club, earlier this year.  Sadly, time is never really on my side and it seems to take me an age to write back to her!  But letter-writing is something I feel really shouldn't die out, it's a lovely form of keeping in touch and I have a stack of letters from people I used to write to during my school years!  Including letters from old school friends adorned with stickers from Smash Hits magazine!

If I decided to retrain in a new career...I would be....
A florist.  No, a teacher.  No, a make-up artist!  The trouble with me, is I have too many hobbies and interests and not enough discipline to choose one career path!
After pursuing my dance dreams for a while, I fell into a job I loved in retail - and so began years of the industry finally grinding me down, whilst I found myself in my sideline projects and interests.  And gin, I found myself in gin too!  I think, if I did decide to re-train in the future, something creative would be wonderful and I could perhaps use my natural flair for cake-decorating or make-up.  But, really, something a little more unusual like floristry really interests me!  You never know, I could be the next Eliza Doolittle! 

I guess, for those if you who haven't read my blog before, my latest Friday Round Up post gives you a little insight into the various projects I have on the go.  Last month I also launched my Frugally Fabulous Year challenge - in a big to learn dressmaking, save more money and promote ethical shopping! I would love you to join in!  Yesterday I also shared my love of the paranormal with a true ghost story - have a read HERE.

So there we go, a little peek into my life!!  Do you have 5 things people don't know about you?  What would you share?


Anonymous said...

Oh my God. Are you me?!

Ellen said...

I love looking back at blog post to see how life has evolved. But I'm very glad my dating days were pre blog.

jilbry58 said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: why, oh why isn't the Skinny Mocha Musings a book by now????

Unknown said...

Let's look at the evidence....have you ever seen us in the same room at the same time???

Unknown said...

Tahnk you for sharing, enjoyed reading more about you

Laura x x x